Mounting WebDAV drive in Windows Server 2012

Just solved this on a 2012 R2 for connecting a WebDAV drive from OwnCloud 7 server via HTTPS (think it's same on 2012)

  1. Install Desktop Experience

server manager > Add Features > User Interfaces and Infrastructure > Desktop Experience

  1. Start and set to Automatic WebClient Service

services > WebClient > Properties > Set from Manual to Automatic then start it

  1. Enable BasicAuthLevel in regedit

open regedit.exe and go to this key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters

set the DWORD value "BasicAuthLevel" to "1"

  1. reboot
  2. connect to your WebDAV

net use z: "https://.." /user:username password

Here is the solution to this problem for Windows Server 2016:

  1. Install WebDAV-Redirector component via PowerShell

    Install-WindowsFeature WebDAV-Redirector –Restart
  2. Verify that WebDAV-Redirector is installed properly

    Get-WindowsFeature WebDAV-Redirector | Format-Table –Autosize
  3. WebClient service should appear in your system. By default it is started in Manual mode, just set it to Automatic and that's it.

  4. Reboot

All credits for this answers goes to IT Bros.