Ubuntu VPN Using Sonicwall

The only thing keeping me from blowing away the crappy Vista install on my Toshiba laptop and going pure Ubuntu is the fact that I need to VPN to work and they use Sonicwall. Due to some proprietary voodoo used by that particular firewall setup on my work's end, I have to use the Sonicwall client which only runs on Windows.

Has anyone found a way to VPN to a sonicwall connection from Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

  1. Go to https://sslvpn.demo.sonicwall.com/cgi-bin/welcome log in with demo/password

  2. Click on NetExtender icon: this will download a tar.gz with the client.

  3. (Optional) sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libssl.so.6

  4. (Optional) sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.6

  5. Untar the client, make install script executable (chmod u+x) and launch install

NB: When executing the installation script, do not allow root access

sudo ./install

--- Dell SonicWALL NetExtender 7.5.761 Installer ---
Checking library dependencies...
Checking pppd...
Do you want non-root users to be able to run NetExtender?
    If so, I can set pppd to run as root, but this could be
    considered a security risk.

Set pppd to run as root [y/N]? N
You have chosen NOT to allow non-root users to run NetExtender.
Copying files...

------------------------ INSTALLATION SUCCESSFUL -----------------------

To launch NetExtender, do one of the following:

  1. Click the NetExtender icon under the Applications menu (look under the 'Internet' or 'Network' category) or
  2. Type netExtenderGui

Solution tested from Ubuntu 13 to 18.04.

Solution 2:

not necessarily the best source, but it seems you can do this using OpenSwan VPN under linux.

It's not a trivial setup of clicking a few checkboxes, but it seems doable.




between those 2 articles you should be able to figure something out.