In Skyrim, how can I keep my companion after getting married?

After I got married in Skyrim, my companion ran away! When I tried to talk to her, all she said was, "congratulations on your wedding, I hope you two are happy together", in a tone in which you can sense she is hurt, deep down, that you did not choose her. She then proceeds to run way from you.

She even takes all your items! I was able to pickpocket my items back from her, but I want her to continue following me! How can I get her to continue following me after getting married? What console commands can I use to force her to continue following me?

Solution 1:

I wasn't able to get Lydia following me again, but I did just find a mod that lets me get another companion, just tried it and it works: Skyrim Everplayer - Add Muiri As A Second Companion Even If You Are Married