Is it safe to use a MacBook in a slightly tilted position?

I have a separate wooden board on top of my desk that covers the desk's entire area. (The board is made of nice wood, making the desk look more classy than it actually is. :)

I'm thinking about tilting the board a tiny bit (maybe 15°) to make it more suitable as a drawing area. About like this:

enter image description here

Is it safe to operate a MacBook (in my case a 15" MBP, no SSD) on such a titled surface on a permanent basis? I'm mostly thinking about possible damage to the hard drive or other components that are designed to work in a (more or less) perfectly horizontal position only.

It shouldn't harm your mac in any way so. At my workplace my Macbook is tilted. The only problem I can foresee is that since it's a wood base and there's no holes it may cause the macbook to overheat ( this is the worst case scenario). My workplace has a titled setup that tilts the mac to keep it cool. Tilting your laptop is good because it prevents overheating and its better posture for your hands.