How can I safely remove my USB hard drive in Fedora 17?

In Fedora 17, when I want to plug my USB hard disk out, I can only unmount it. But the problem is that the hard drive won't be powered off so that I can plug it out.

In some other distros like Ubuntu there is a Safely Remove option which powers the hard drive off.

How can I fix that?

After a lot of web surfing I came across the solution suggested by someone in Thank you everybody. I just needed to install udisks package! To power off my hard disk I have to enter the following command in terminal after unmounting all of its partitions:

udisks --detach /dev/sdX

There is no safe removal button for the USB drive. You can eject the USB drive by clicking the small triangle which is on the side of the USB drive.

For ejecting a flash drive follow these steps:

  1. First see the USB drive by entering this command:

    fdisk -l
  2. Assuming your USB drive is /dev/sdb1, eject it with the following command:

    umount /dev/sdb1


    eject /dev/sdb1 

This will allow you to safely remove your USB drive.


eject /dev/sdX

where X is the letter of your device.


You can find all available drive letters by using fdisk -l.