Mocking up static methods in jest

I am having trouble mocking up a static method in jest. Immagine you have a class A with a static method:

export default class A {
  f() {
    return 'a.f()'

  static staticF () {
    return 'A.staticF()'

And a class B that imports A

import A from './a'

export default class B {
  g() {
    const a = new A()
    return a.f()  

  gCallsStaticF() {
    return A.staticF()

Now you want to mock up A. It is easy to mock up f():

import A from '../src/a'
import B from '../src/b'

jest.mock('../src/a', () => {
  return jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
    return { f: () => { return 'mockedA.f()'} }

describe('Wallet', () => {
  it('should work', () => {
    const b = new B()
    const result = b.g()
    console.log(result) // prints 'mockedA.f()'

However, I could not find any documentation on how to mock up A.staticF. Is this possible?

You can just assign the mock to the static method

import A from '../src/a'
import B from '../src/b'


describe('Wallet', () => {
    it('should work', () => {
        const mockStaticF = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('worked')

        A.staticF = mockStaticF

        const b = new B()

        const result = b.gCallsStaticF()

Hope this will help you

// code to mock
export class AnalyticsUtil {
    static trackEvent(name) {

// mock
jest.mock('../src/AnalyticsUtil', () => ({
    AnalyticsUtil: {
        trackEvent: jest.fn()
// code to mock
export default class Manager {
    private static obj: Manager
    static shared() {
        if (Manager.obj == null) {
            Manager.obj = new Manager()
        return Manager.obj
    nonStaticFunc() {

// mock
jest.mock('../src/Manager', () => ({
    shared: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
        nonStaticFunc: jest.fn()
// usage in code
someFunc() {
    RNDefaultPreference.set('key', 'value')

// mock RNDefaultPreference
jest.mock('react-native-default-preference', () => ({
    set: jest.fn()
// code to mock
export namespace NavigationActions {
    export function navigate(
      options: NavigationNavigateActionPayload
    ): NavigationNavigateAction;

// mock
jest.mock('react-navigation', () => ({
    NavigationActions: {
        navigate: jest.fn()

I managed to mock it in a separate file in the __mocks__ folder using prototyping. So you would do:

function A() {}
A.prototype.f = function() {
    return 'a.f()';
A.staticF = function() {
    return 'A.staticF()';
export default A;