windows 8 desktop wakes up immediately after sleep due to keyboard/mouse

From How to Fix a Computer that Keeps Waking Up:

  • To find out which devices can wake up the machine, on the command line run: powercfg -devicequery wake_armed
  • To disable them: Device Manager (devmgmt.msc), select the device, properties -> Power Management -> uncheck Allow this device to wake the computer

Try checking your scheduled tasks as well, I've written a blog post about that:

here's a PowerShell script that will disable the wake up feature for all enabled tasks:

Get-ScheduledTask | ? { $_.Settings.WakeToRun -eq $true -and $_.State -ne "Disabled"} | % { $_.Settings.WakeToRun = $false; Set-ScheduledTask $_ }

I had the problem with waking up from any mouse movement, even if the mouse was not allowed to "Allow this device to wake the computer" The solution was in disabling this option for keyboard also. After I unchecked "Allow this device to wake the computer" for both mouse and keyboard - my computer sleeps well :)