Ubuntu 14.04 Install Error with Windows 7 Install Inside

As you have installed Ubuntu inside Windows 7, select Ubuntu from the Windows boot manager and then you will see the Ubuntu GNU Grub2 menu.

Or after you select "Ubuntu" from the Windows boot manager, keep Shift and the Grub menu should appear.

Then press e to start editing the boot entry. And now you need to change a line in the GRUB2 boot entry from ro to rw.

You will see a line similar to this:

linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=AAC884AC1F144321 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff

Replace ro with rw and finally the code will look like:

linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=AAC884AC1F144321 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk rw   quiet splash $vt_handoff

Press F10 and you are done!

This is only to boot Ubuntu for a single time. You have to repeat these steps every-time you reboot. But you can change the grub.cfg permanently to avoid this issue. Follow these steps to edit the grub.cfg file after logging in to Ubuntu.

Open terminal (CtrlAltT)


sudo -H gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg

and press enter.

Gedit will open with the grub.cfg file.

Press CTRLF open 'find' box on gedit.

Type ro in the find box. (Remember to type a space after ro - should be ro, not ro)

Search results will be highlighted and then change all those ros to rws. (replace ro with rw)

Save the file and reboot.