I want to order my crew to disassemble C2-N2, but the intercom doesn't seem to do anything at all

When you get your ship in SW:TOR my experience has been that there is a droid on board who is exceedingly annoying. One supposedly useful thing you are told though is that there is an intercom that "...will inform your crew that you wish to issue new orders." However I have yet to notice any effect when clicking it (right or left!). Does the intercom actually do anything? If not are there rumors or expectations as to what is likely to be implemented for it functionally wise?

The Intercom, Holocommunicator, and the Escape Pod are all class-quest specific items that only have interactions when you're on a quest that requires interacting with them.

In the meantime, they're vaguely glow-y flavor for your ship.

Alas, C2-N2 will have to remain your as he is.