Is there a specific term and/or jocose name for a building resembling a motorcycle cylinder head? [closed]

A cylinder head (with the cooling fins) looks like this:

enter image description here

There's a bunch of buildings that look like that in this image of downtown Houston:

enter image description here

Is there a specific name and/or term for those?

I wanted to suggest "stratified", but a Google search reveals that that term is already used in real estate to mean something completely different.

For architecture, I think the best fit is "striated", as in, for example Strata and Striations in Architecture. A google image search for "striated buildings" also seems to match what you're looking for.

The relevent definition in Merriam-Webster is

striation : a minute groove, scratch, or channel especially when one of a parallel series

The term is most often used to refer to the alternating light and dark bands in striated muscle.