How to check for only high vulnerabilities when using "npm audit"?

When you I execute npm install using new npm 6 i got a messages that tell me I have some vulnerabilities :

[!] 75 vulnerabilities found [4867 packages audited]

Severity: 66 Low | 4 Moderate | 5 High

Run npm audit for more detail

I ran npm audit but got a truncated list of vulnerabilities.

How I can check for only High vulnerabilities list ?


Not the answer you are looking for, but it will do the same:

npm audit | grep -B 1 -A 10 High

This one worked for me:

Show High Only

npm audit | grep -E "(High)" -B3 -A10

Show both Critical and High Issues

npm audit | grep -E "(High | Critical)" -B3 -A10

Look at the issue discussion where this solution is proposed.

If your are looking to do it in Powershell, just use the following command (Adapted from @stayingcool's answer):

Show High Only

npm audit | Select-String -Pattern "High" -Context 0,10

Show both High and Critical

npm audit | Select-String -Pattern "(High | Critical)" -Context 0,10

Edit: I recommend this (better) answer:

It's not as pretty, but you can do:

npm audit --parseable | grep high

With one additional downside being any package/issue metadata containing "high" will also be printed.