How can I easily use the gcc compiler for arm for building in a development IDE?

I would like to replace the non-open lpcxpresso IDE with a free IDE. Any pointers how to do it best? How can I point one of the existing IDEs to use the arm gcc compiler?

Solution 1:

I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but hopefully I can point you in the right direction. As far as IDEs go, there is a GNU ARM plugin for the Eclipse IDE. It is a Manged Build Extension that supports a number of GNU ARM Toolchains like CodeSourcery G++ Lite, GNUARM, WinARM, Yagarto, devkitPro.

Outside of an IDE, you could consider running a QEMU ARM image. A discussion on how to setup a QEMU ARM image and to build ARM packages with it can be found here:

Solution 2:

The only free Linux choice is to run eclipse/arm-elf-gcc using the makefile project option of this IDE, where you will write your own makefile. The drawbacks are the lack of ready to debug feature, so you will need to use OpenOCD, there is plenty of info on the internet.

As second choice, you could run a CoIDE over wine or virtual machine, and use their own debugger. This IDE only works on Cortex M3 chips, is free, has a open-hardware debug probe and its use is extremely easy.