How to avoid multiple asserts in a JUnit test?

Keep them separate. A unit test is supposed to tell you which unit failed. Keeping them separate also allows you to isolate the problem quickly w/o requiring you to go through a lengthy debug cycle.

Is it really recommended to have only one assert per unit test? Yes it is, there are people who make that recommendation. Are they right? I don't think so. I find it hard to believe such people have actually worked on real code for a long time.

So, imangine you have a mutator method you want to unit test. The mutator has some kind of effect, or effects, which you want to check. Typically the expected effect of a mutator are few in number, because many effects suggests an overly complicated design for the mutator. With one assert per effect and one test case per assert, you will not need many test cases per mutator, so the recommendation does not seem so bad.

But the flaw in this reasoning is that those tests are looking at only the expected effects of the mutator. But if the mutator has a bug in it, it might have unexpected faulty side effects. The tests are making the foolish assumption that the code does not have a whole class of bugs, and that no future refactoring will introduce such bugs. When the method was originally written it might be obvious to the author that particular side effects were impossible, but refactoring and addition of new functionality might make such side effects possible.

The only safe way to test long lived code is to check that the mutators do not have unexpected side effects. But how can you test for those? Most classes have some invariants: things that no mutator can ever change. The size method of a container will never return a negative value, for example. Each invariant is, in effect, a post condition for every mutator (and also the constructor). Each mutator also typically has a set of invariants that describe what kind of changes it does not make. A sort method does not change the length of the container, for example. The class and mutator invariants are, in effect, post conditions for every mutator call. Adding assertions for all them is the only way of checking for unexpected side effects.

So, just add more test cases? In practice the number of invariants multiplied by the number of mutators to test is large, so one assertion per test leads to many test cases. And the information about your invariants is scattered over many test cases. A design change to tweak one invariant will require alteration of many test cases. It becomes impractical. Its better to have parameterised test cases for a mutator, which check several invariants for the mutator, using several assertions.

And the authors of JUnit5 seem to agree. They provide an assertAll for checking several assertions in one test-case.