Do a tail -F until matching a pattern

I want to do a tail -F on a file until matching a pattern. I found a way using awk, but IMHO my command is not really clean. The problem is that I need to do it in only one line, because of some limitations.

tail -n +0 -F /tmp/foo | \
awk -W interactive '{if ($1 == "EOF") exit; print} END {system("echo EOF >> /tmp/foo")}'

The tail will block until EOF appears in the file. It works pretty well. The END block is mandatory because awk's exit does not exit right away. It makes awk to eval the END block before quitting. The END block hangs on a read call (because of tail), so the last thing I need to do, is to write another line in the file to force tail to exit.

Does someone know a better way to do that?

Use tail's --pid option and tail will stop when the shell dies. No need to add extra to the tailed file.

sh -c 'tail -n +0 --pid=$$ -f /tmp/foo | { sed "/EOF/ q" && kill $$ ;}'

Try this:

sh -c 'tail -n +0 -f /tmp/foo | { sed "/EOF/ q" && kill $$ ;}'

The whole command-line will exit as soon as the "EOF" string is seen in /tmp/foo.

There is one side-effect: the tail process will be left running (in the background) until anything is written to /tmp/foo.

I've not results with the solution:

sh -c 'tail -n +0 -f /tmp/foo | { sed "/EOF/ q" && kill $$ ;}'

There is some issue related with the buffer because if there aren't more lines appended to the file, then sed will not read the input. So, with a little more research i came up with this:

sed '/EOF/q' <(tail -n 0 -f /tmp/foo)

The script is in