How can I get the RDS endpoint for use in Userdata
Solution 1:
The Unable to locate credentials
error says that the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) does not have any credentials to call the AWS APIs.
You should assign a role to the EC2 instance with sufficient permission to call describe-db-instances
on RDS. See: IAM Roles for Amazon EC2
Then, your User Data can include something like:
RDS=`aws rds --region ca-central-1 describe-db-instances --query "DBInstances[*].Endpoint.Address"`
echo >file $RDS
Or pass it as a parameter:
php $RDS
Solution 2:
I have it working with this -
mac=curl -s
VPC_ID=curl -s$mac/vpc-id
aws rds describe-db-instances --region us-east-2 | jq -r --arg VPC_ID "VPC_ID" '.DBInstances[] |select (.DBSubnetGroup.VpcId=="'$VPC_ID'") | .Endpoint.Address'