What are the Sysadmin-Related Blogs & Mailing Lists you monitor? [closed]

I know this is a gimme question, but I genuinely would like to add more sysadmin related feeds to my reader, so please list the contents of your feedreader.

Solution 1:

Blackhat SEO

  • http://contempt.me/ - Totally a jerk, possibly illegal. Blog spam, spam rings, and the like. But an interesting look into administration of hundreds or thousands of tiny sites.


  • http://highscalability.com/ - Often about code, but just as often about scaling servers and system tweaks to optimize. Like this article and optimizing even CPU load balancing


  • http://gentoo-portage.com/GLSA - Because I run gentoo. The security list of whatever major products you use is standard I think
  • http://xorl.wordpress.com/ - He reads the patches for security holes and shows where the error is. It's code, but often in the kernel or major packages
  • http://www.darknet.org.uk/ - Often has posts about tools, including forensics, SCADA, and the like
  • http://digg.com/security - Often fluff or several days behind, but it's slow-moving so it's easy to stick in and forget
  • http://ha.ckers.org/blog/ - More configuration type posts, but also talks about large-scale deployment of security fixes and techniques
  • http://www.net-security.org/ - I find this to be almost total fluff and markest more at CIOs looking for buzzwords, but once in a while some signal gets through
  • http://www.net-security.org/insecuremag.php - An awesome magazine that comes out every few months
  • http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/ - He runs a Web Application Firewall company, so his posts are often focused around that, numbers relating to the industry, and general Web Security
  • http://www.schneier.com/blog/ - A mainstay
  • http://www.secguru.com/ - Something like a reddit for security. It often gets good articles but some of then are fluff
  • http://www.windowsecurity.com/ - Has good tutorials and explanations for setting up things like Domain Authentication and Kerberos in Windows.
  • http://seclists.org/#bugtraq - I monitor this for anything interesting or apps I run. Often gets first-reports
  • http://seclists.org/#dailydave - A very high signal to noise ratio list run by Dave Aitel
  • http://seclists.org/#pen-test - Low signal to noise, but I skim it anyway
  • http://seclists.org/#basics - Low signal to noise, but I skim it anyway. I can actually answer some of these!
  • http://seclists.org/#webappsec - Low signal to noise, but I skim it anyway

Solution 2:

Just one from me - I follow afp548.com for Mac OS X admin news. There are also some good mailing lists for OS X sysadmins, such as [email protected] and [email protected].

Solution 3:

From a Windows Sys. Admin. perspective:

  • Windows Security Blog
  • Windows 7 Team Blog
  • Engineering Windows 7
  • Mark Russionovic's Blog
  • The Windows Blog
  • The Daily WTF

Solution 4:

Planet Sysadmin

Great aggregation of sysadmin blogs.

SAGE Mailing List

Killer advice and discussion from experienced sysadmins.

LOPSA Discuss

The US League of Professional Sysadmins general discussion list.

O'Reilly Radar

Some great sysadmin content here with a dedicated Operations stream - plenty of 21st Century sysadmin material to enjoy and think about.