Why do people seem to get so triggered at the word "plebeians"? [closed]

While having online conversations people seem to get triggered when the word plebeian is used to describe the commoners or common people. They seem to think its bad or something.

What's wrong in saying that you are a common dude or a common member of the society instead of some elite or celebrity?

Solution 1:

It’s a classism. You are drawing attention to their social class.

In the past, your class was something you were born with and it was very difficult to change. Social mobility is still limited, particularly to the lower classes and the poorest in societies where education has a cost attached. By using the word "plebeians" instead of, say, "people", you’re drawing attention to something they were born with and cannot necessarily change. If you think of other words that do this, you’ll understand why it’s a word that triggers.