‘…funding {on/in/for} a small number of departments’ [closed]

"Funding on" versus "funding in" versus "funding for"? Which of the three is correct.


The government concentrates research funding on/in/for a small number of top departments.

Does an agency concentrate/focus/direct funding on, in, or for a department?

I believe that all three prepositions are acceptable, there's really not much difference in meaning. In the OP's case, I'd suggest using the preposition "in"

      “… funding in a [small] number of [top] departments

  1. …funding in something
  • Once upon a time, tech entrepreneurs would forage for funding in Silicon Valley.
  • Tutunjian said they are working to obtain funding in the proposed county budget
  • It's this web among CWU programs that makes funding in the athletic department essential, Gaudino said.
  • That said, I'm not against concentrating research funding in centres of excellence in principle.
  • Does this influence the government when it comes to funding research in any of the non-Russell Group universities?
  1. …funding on something
  • I was disappointed to hear that the Government has cut funding on school sports
  • Previously some of the album funding had to be spent on promotion and marketing.
  • Countries with malaria problems definitely need to increase funding on malaria
  • The EU spent two thirds of its energy research funding on nuclear technologies in 2011
  1. …funding for something
  • Congress is debating reductions in funding for the Conservation Reserve Program.
  • If the charges stick, the PRI risks losing federal funding for party activities.
  • In return for his support, Specter, who has Hodgkin's disease, won a large increase in cancer research funding for the National Institutes of Health
  • He could also repeal limits on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research
  • Funding could be used for a number of projects identified by the Virginia Department of Transportation, such as widening Route 1 and improving key interstate exit ramps and local intersections.