How do I prevent iWork apps from restoring windows from the previous session?

Whenever I reopen Pages or Numbers, all documents that I had open when I last exited are reopened. I have the "restore windows" checkbox unchecked in System Preferences > General, but all windows from my previous session are always reopened every time I re-launch Pages or Numbers. Is there a way to force iWork apps to behave as expected?

Solution 1:

Judging from Apple Discussion threads (a quick search turned up these three threads on the first page of results alone), the global Resume switch does not seem to consistently stop applications from saving and restoring Saved State information.

If you only want to disable Resume selectively for iWork, you may be best served by something like RestoreMeNot or TinkerTool, which has a dedicated tab for granularly managing Resume besides its other tweaking features.

If you want to completely disable the Resume feature, Mac OS X Hints outlines a procedure to do so. I can’t judge on it, nor recommend it, as it is altogether too hackish for my taste – the editor’s label “proceed at your own risk” applies.