get the value of DisplayName attribute

Solution 1:

Try these utility methods of mine:

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;

public static T GetAttribute<T>(this MemberInfo member, bool isRequired)
    where T : Attribute
    var attribute = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false).SingleOrDefault();

    if (attribute == null && isRequired)
        throw new ArgumentException(
                "The {0} attribute must be defined on member {1}", 

    return (T)attribute;

public static string GetPropertyDisplayName<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyExpression)
    var memberInfo = GetPropertyInformation(propertyExpression.Body);
    if (memberInfo == null)
        throw new ArgumentException(
            "No property reference expression was found.",

    var attr = memberInfo.GetAttribute<DisplayNameAttribute>(false);
    if (attr == null)
        return memberInfo.Name;

    return attr.DisplayName;

public static MemberInfo GetPropertyInformation(Expression propertyExpression)
    Debug.Assert(propertyExpression != null, "propertyExpression != null");
    MemberExpression memberExpr = propertyExpression as MemberExpression;
    if (memberExpr == null)
        UnaryExpression unaryExpr = propertyExpression as UnaryExpression;
        if (unaryExpr != null && unaryExpr.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
            memberExpr = unaryExpr.Operand as MemberExpression;

    if (memberExpr != null && memberExpr.Member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
        return memberExpr.Member;

    return null;

Usage would be:

string displayName = ReflectionExtensions.GetPropertyDisplayName<SomeClass>(i => i.SomeProperty);

Solution 2:

First off, you need to get a MemberInfo object that represents that property. You will need to do some form of reflection:

MemberInfo property = typeof(Class1).GetProperty("Name");

(I'm using "old-style" reflection, but you can also use an expression tree if you have access to the type at compile-time)

Then you can fetch the attribute and obtain the value of the DisplayName property:

var attribute = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true)
string displayName = attribute.DisplayName;

() parentheses are required typo error

Solution 3:

You need to get the PropertyInfo associated with the property (e.g. via typeof(Class1).GetProperty("Name")) and then call GetCustomAttributes.

It's a bit messy due to returning multiple values - you may well want to write a helper method to do this if you need it from a few places. (There may already be a helper method in the framework somewhere, but if there is I'm unaware of it.)

EDIT: As leppie pointed out, there is such a method: Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(MemberInfo, Type)