How can I profile a Bash shell script slow startup?

If you have GNU date (or another version that can output nanoseconds), do this at the beginning of /etc/bash.bashrc (or wherever you'd like to begin a trace in any Bash script):

PS4='+ $(date "+%s.%N")\011 '
exec 3>&2 2>/tmp/bashstart.$$.log
set -x


set +x
exec 2>&3 3>&-

at the end of ~/.bashrc (or at the end of the section of any Bash script you'd like tracing to stop). The \011 is an octal tab character.

You should get a trace log in /tmp/bashstart.PID.log that shows the seconds.nanoseconds timestamp of each command that was executed. The difference from one time to the next is the amount of time that the intervening step took.

As you narrow things down, you can move set -x later and set +x earlier (or bracket several sections of interest selectively).

Although it's not as fine-grained as GNU date's nanoseconds, Bash 5 includes a variable which gives the time in microseconds. Using it saves you from spawning an external executable for every line and works on Macs or elsewhere that doesn't have GNU date - as long as you have Bash 5, of course. Change the setting of PS4:


As pointed out by @pawamoy, you can use BASH_XTRACEFD to send the output of the trace to a separate file descriptor if you have Bash 4.1 or later. From this answer:


exec 5> command.txt

echo -n "hello "

set -x
echo -n world
set +x

echo "!"

This will cause the trace output to go to the file command.txt leaving stdout and stdout to be output normally (or be redirected separately).

Profiling Bash (four answers)

Reading this and because profiling is an important step, I've done some test and research about this whole Stack Overflow question and already posted answers.

There are more than four answers:

  • The first is based on @DennisWilliamson's idea, but with a lot less of resource consumption

  • The second was my own (before this;)

  • The third is based on @fgm's answer, but more accurate.

  • The last uses script, scriptreplay and timing file.

  • Finally, a little comparison of performance at end.

Using set -x and date but with limited forks

Take from @DennisWilliamson's idea, but with the following syntax, there will only one initial fork to three commands:

exec 3>&2 2> >(tee /tmp/sample-time.$$.log |
                 sed -u 's/^.*$/now/' |
                 date -f - +%s.%N >/tmp/sample-time.$$.tim)
set -x

Doing this will run date only once. There is a quick demo/test to show how it work:

for i in {1..4};do echo now;sleep .05;done| date -f - +%N

Sample script:


exec 3>&2 2> >( tee /tmp/sample-$$.log |
                  sed -u 's/^.*$/now/' |
                  date -f - +%s.%N >/tmp/sample-$$.tim)
set -x

for ((i=3;i--;));do sleep .1;done

for ((i=2;i--;))
    tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
    gzip /tmp/test.tar
    rm /tmp/test.tar.gz

set +x
exec 2>&3 3>&-

By running this script, you make 2 files: /tmp/sample-XXXX.log and /tmp/sample-XXXX.tim (where XXXX is process id of running script).

You could present them by using paste:

paste tmp/sample-XXXX.{tim,log}

Or you may even compute diff time:

paste <(
    while read tim ;do
        printf "%12.9f\n" ${crt:0:${#crt}-9}.${crt:${#crt}-9}
      done < sample-time.24804.tim
  ) sample-time.24804.log

 1388487534.391309713        + (( i=3 ))
 0.000080807        + (( i-- ))
 0.000008312        + sleep .1
 0.101304843        + (( 1 ))
 0.000032616        + (( i-- ))
 0.000007124        + sleep .1
 0.101251684        + (( 1 ))
 0.000033036        + (( i-- ))
 0.000007054        + sleep .1
 0.104013813        + (( 1 ))
 0.000026959        + (( i-- ))
 0.000006915        + (( i=2 ))
 0.000006635        + (( i-- ))
 0.000006844        + tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
 0.022655107        + gzip /tmp/test.tar
 0.637042668        + rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 0.000823649        + (( 1 ))
 0.000011314        + (( i-- ))
 0.000006915        + tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
 0.016084482        + gzip /tmp/test.tar
 0.627798263        + rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 0.001294946        + (( 1 ))
 0.000023187        + (( i-- ))
 0.000006845        + set +x

or on two columns:

paste <(
    while read tim ;do
        [ -z "$last" ] && last=${tim//.} && first=${tim//.}
        printf "%12.9f %12.9f\n" ${crt:0:${#crt}-9}.${crt:${#crt}-9} \
      done < sample-time.24804.tim
  ) sample-time.24804.log

May render:

 0.000000000  0.000000000   + (( i=3 ))
 0.000080807  0.000080807   + (( i-- ))
 0.000008312  0.000089119   + sleep .1
 0.101304843  0.101393962   + (( 1 ))
 0.000032616  0.101426578   + (( i-- ))
 0.000007124  0.101433702   + sleep .1
 0.101251684  0.202685386   + (( 1 ))
 0.000033036  0.202718422   + (( i-- ))
 0.000007054  0.202725476   + sleep .1
 0.104013813  0.306739289   + (( 1 ))
 0.000026959  0.306766248   + (( i-- ))
 0.000006915  0.306773163   + (( i=2 ))
 0.000006635  0.306779798   + (( i-- ))
 0.000006844  0.306786642   + tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
 0.022655107  0.329441749   + gzip /tmp/test.tar
 0.637042668  0.966484417   + rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 0.000823649  0.967308066   + (( 1 ))
 0.000011314  0.967319380   + (( i-- ))
 0.000006915  0.967326295   + tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
 0.016084482  0.983410777   + gzip /tmp/test.tar
 0.627798263  1.611209040   + rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 0.001294946  1.612503986   + (( 1 ))
 0.000023187  1.612527173   + (( i-- ))
 0.000006845  1.612534018   + set +x

Using trap debug and /proc/timer_list on recent GNU/Linux kernels, without forks.

Under GNU/Linux's recent kernels, you may find a /proc file named timer_list:

grep 'now at\|offset' /proc/timer_list
now at 5461935212966259 nsecs
  .offset:     0 nsecs
  .offset:     1383718821564493249 nsecs
  .offset:     0 nsecs

Where current time is the sum of 5461935212966259 + 1383718821564493249, but in nanoseconds.

So for computing elapsed time, there is no need of knowing offset.

For this kind of jobs, I wrote elap.bash (V2), that be sourced by the following syntax:

source elap.bash-v2


. elap.bash-v2 init

(See comments for the full syntax)

So you could simply add this line at top of your script:

. elap.bash-v2 trap2

A little sample:


. elap.bash-v2 trap

for ((i=3;i--;));do sleep .1;done

elapShowTotal \\e[1mfirst total\\e[0m

for ((i=2;i--;))
    tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
    gzip /tmp/test.tar
    rm /tmp/test.tar.gz

trap -- debug
elapTotal \\e[1mtotal time\\e[0m

Do render on my host:

 0.000947481 Starting
 0.000796900 ((i=3))
 0.000696956 ((i--))
 0.101969242 sleep .1
 0.000812478 ((1))
 0.000755067 ((i--))
 0.103693305 sleep .1
 0.000730482 ((1))
 0.000660360 ((i--))
 0.103565001 sleep .1
 0.000719516 ((1))
 0.000671325 ((i--))
 0.000754856 elapCalc2
 0.316018113 first total
 0.000754787 elapShowTotal \e[1mfirst total\e[0m
 0.000711275 ((i=2))
 0.000683408 ((i--))
 0.075673816 tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
 0.596389329 gzip /tmp/test.tar
 0.006565188 rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 0.000830217 ((1))
 0.000759466 ((i--))
 0.024783966 tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
 0.604119903 gzip /tmp/test.tar
 0.005172940 rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 0.000952299 ((1))
 0.000827421 ((i--))
 1.635788924 total time
 1.636657204 EXIT

Using trap2 instead of trap as an argument to the source command:


. elap.bash-v2 trap2

Will render two columns last command and total:

 0.000894541      0.000894541 Starting
 0.001306122      0.002200663 ((i=3))
 0.001929397      0.004130060 ((i--))
 0.103035812      0.107165872 sleep .1
 0.000875613      0.108041485 ((1))
 0.000813872      0.108855357 ((i--))
 0.104954517      0.213809874 sleep .1
 0.000900617      0.214710491 ((1))
 0.000842159      0.215552650 ((i--))
 0.104846890      0.320399540 sleep .1
 0.000899082      0.321298622 ((1))
 0.000811708      0.322110330 ((i--))
 0.000879455      0.322989785 elapCalc2
 0.322989785 first total
 0.000906692      0.323896477 elapShowTotal \e[1mfirst total\e[0m
 0.000820089      0.324716566 ((i=2))
 0.000773782      0.325490348 ((i--))
 0.024752613      0.350242961 tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
 0.596199363      0.946442324 gzip /tmp/test.tar
 0.003007128      0.949449452 rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 0.000791452      0.950240904 ((1))
 0.000779371      0.951020275 ((i--))
 0.030519702      0.981539977 tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
 0.584155405      1.565695382 gzip /tmp/test.tar
 0.003058674      1.568754056 rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 0.000955093      1.569709149 ((1))
 0.000919964      1.570629113 ((i--))
 1.571516599 total time
 0.001723708      1.572352821 EXIT

Using strace

Yes, strace could do the job:

strace -q -f -s 10 -ttt sample-script 2>sample-script-strace.log

But it could make a lot of stuff!

wc sample-script-strace.log
    6925  57637 586518 sample-script-strace.log

Using a more restricted command:

strace -f -s 10 -ttt -eopen,access,read,write ./sample-script 2>sample-script-strace.log

Will dump a lighter log:

  4519  36695 374453 sample-script-strace.log

Depending on what you're searching for, you may be more restrictive:

 strace -f -s 10 -ttt -eaccess,open ./sample-script 2>&1 | wc
  189    1451   13682

Reading them will be a little harder:

    read -a first
    while read tim line;do
        printf "%9.6f %9.6f %s\n" ${crt:0:${#crt}-6}.${crt:${#crt}-6} \
            ${ctot:0:${#ctot}-6}.${ctot:${#ctot}-6} "$line"
  } < <(
    sed </tmp/sample-script.strace -e '
        s/^ *//;
        s/^\[[^]]*\] *//;

 0.000110  0.000110 open("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", O_RDONLY) = 4
 0.000132  0.000242 open("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", O_RDONLY) = 4
 0.000121  0.000363 open("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", O_RDONLY) = 4
 0.000462  0.000825 open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 4
 0.000147  0.000972 open("/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive", O_RDONLY) = 4
 0.000793  1.551331 open("/etc/", O_RDONLY) = 4
 0.000127  1.551458 open("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", O_RDONLY) = 4
 0.000545  1.552003 open("/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive", O_RDONLY) = 4
 0.000439  1.552442 --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---

The original bash script is not so easy to follow in this...

Using script, scriptreplay and timing file

As part of BSD Utils, script (and scriptreplay) is a very old tool which can be used to profile bash, with a very small footprint.

script -t script.log 2>script.tim -c 'bash -x -c "
    for ((i=3;i--;));do sleep .1;done

    for ((i=2;i--;)) ;do
        tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
        gzip /tmp/test.tar
        rm /tmp/test.tar.gz

Will produce:

Script started on Fri Mar 25 08:29:37 2016
+ (( i=3 ))
+ (( i-- ))
+ sleep .1
+ (( 1 ))
+ (( i-- ))
+ sleep .1
+ (( 1 ))
+ (( i-- ))
+ sleep .1
+ (( 1 ))
+ (( i-- ))
+ (( i=2 ))
+ (( i-- ))
+ tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
+ gzip /tmp/test.tar
+ rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
+ (( 1 ))
+ (( i-- ))
+ tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
+ gzip /tmp/test.tar
+ rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
+ (( 1 ))
+ (( i-- ))
Script done on Fri Mar 25 08:29:39 2016

and generate two files:

ls -l script.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 450 Mar 25 08:29 script.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 177 Mar 25 08:29 script.tim

File script.log contain all traces and script.tim is the timing file:

head -n 4 script.*
==> script.log <==
Script started on Fri Mar 25 08:29:37 2016
+ (( i=3 ))
+ (( i-- ))
+ sleep .1

==> script.tim <==
0.435331 11
0.000033 2
0.000024 11
0.000010 2

You could see the total time execution with the first and last lines of the logfile and/or by summarizing times in the timing file:

head -n1 script.log ;tail -n1 script.log
Script started on Fri Mar 25 08:29:37 2016
Script done on Fri Mar 25 08:29:39 2016

sed < script.tim  's/ .*$//;H;${x;s/\n/+/g;s/^\+//;p};d' | bc -l

In the timing file, the second value is the number of the next bytes in corresponding logfile. This let you have the ability of replaying the log file optionally with an acceleration factor:

scriptreplay script.{tim,log}


scriptreplay script.{tim,log} 5


 scriptreplay script.{tim,log} .2

Showing times and commands side-by-side is a little more complex too:

exec 4<script.log
read -u 4 line
echo $line ;while read tim char;do
    read -u 4 -N $char -r -s line
    echo $tim $line
  done < script.tim &&
while read -u 4 line;do
    echo $line
done;exec 4<&-
Script started on Fri Mar 25 08:28:51 2016
0.558012 + (( i=3 ))
0.000176 + (( i-- ))
0.000059 + sleep .1
 + sleep .1) + (( 1 ))
 + sleep .1) + (( 1 ))
 + tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
0.035024 + gzip /tmp/test.tar
0.793846 + rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 + tar -cf /tmp/test.tar -C / bin
0.024971 + gzip /tmp/test.tar
0.729062 + rm /tmp/test.tar.gz
 + (( i-- )) + (( 1 ))
Script done on Fri Mar 25 08:28:53 2016

Tests and conclusion

To make tests, I've downloaded second sample at Bash complex Hello, World!. This script take approx 0.72 seconds to complete on my host.

I've add at the top of the script one of:

  • by elap.bash function

     source elap.bash-v2 trap2
     eval "BUNCHS=(" $(perl <<EOF | gunzip
  • by set -x and PS4

     PS4='+ $(date "+%s.%N")\011 '
     exec 3>&2 2>/tmp/bashstart.$$.log
     set -x
     eval "BUNCHS=(" $(perl <<EOF | gunzip
  • by set -x and initial fork to long exec command

     exec 3>&2 2> >(tee /tmp/sample-time.$$.log |
                      sed -u 's/^.*$/now/' |
                      date -f - +%s.%N >/tmp/sample-time.$$.tim)
     set -x
     eval "BUNCHS=(" $(perl <<EOF | gunzip
  • by script (and set +x)

     script -t helloworld.log 2>helloworld.tim -c '
         bash -x' >/dev/null


And compare execution times (on my host):

  • Direct 0.72 sec
  • elap.bash 13.18 sec
  • set + date@PS4 54.61 sec
  • set + 1 fork 1.45 sec
  • script and timing file 2.19 sec
  • strace 4.47 sec


  • by elap.bash function
         0.000950277      0.000950277 Starting
         0.007618964      0.008569241 eval "BUNCHS=(" $(perl <<EOF | gunzi
         0.005259953      0.013829194 BUNCHS=("2411 1115 -13 15 33 -3 15 1
         0.010945070      0.024774264 MKey="V922/G/,2:"
         0.001050990      0.025825254 export RotString=""
         0.004724348      0.030549602 initRotString
         0.001322184      0.031871786 for bunch in "${BUNCHS[@]}"
         0.000768893      0.032640679 out=""
         0.001008242      0.033648921 bunchArray=($bunch)
         0.000741095      0.034390016 ((k=0))
  • by set -x and PS4
    ++ 1388598366.536099290  perl
    ++ 1388598366.536169132  gunzip
    + 1388598366.552794757   eval 'BUNCHS=(' '"2411' 1115 -13 15 33 -3 15 1
    ++ 1388598366.555001983  BUNCHS=("2411 1115 -13 15 33 -3 15 13111 -6 1
    + 1388598366.557551018   MKey=V922/G/,2:
    + 1388598366.558316839   export RotString=
    + 1388598366.559083848   RotString=
    + 1388598366.560165147   initRotString
    + 1388598366.560942633   local _i _char
    + 1388598366.561706988   RotString=
  • by set -x and initial fork to long exec command (and my second paste sample script)
     0.000000000  0.000000000    ++ perl
     0.008141159  0.008141159    ++ gunzip
     0.000007822  0.008148981    + eval 'BUNCHS=(' '"2411' 1115 -13 15 33 -3
     0.000006216  0.008155197    ++ BUNCHS=("2411 1115 -13 15 33 -3 15 13111
     0.000006216  0.008161413    + MKey=V922/G/,2:
     0.000006076  0.008167489    + export RotString=
     0.000006007  0.008173496    + RotString=
     0.000006006  0.008179502    + initRotString
     0.000005937  0.008185439    + local _i _char
     0.000006006  0.008191445    + RotString=
  • by strace
     0.000213  0.000213 brk(0)                = 0x17b6000
     0.000044  0.000257 access("/etc/", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
     0.000047  0.000304 mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7faf1c0dc000
     0.000040  0.000344 access("/etc/", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
     0.000040  0.000384 open("/etc/", O_RDONLY) = 4
     0.000024  4.425049 close(10)             = 0
     0.000042  4.425091 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8) = 0
     0.000028  4.425119 read(255, "", 4409)   = 0
     0.000058  4.425177 exit_group(0)         = ?
  • by script
    Le script a débuté sur ven 25 mar 2016 09:18:35 CET
    0.667160 ++ gunzip
    0.000948 ++ perl
    0.005338 + eval 'BUNCHS=(' '"2411' 1115 -13 15 33 -3 15 13111 -6 1 111 4
    0.000044 1223 15 3311 121121 17 3311 121121 1223 3311 121121 17 3311 121
    0.000175 ++ BUNCHS=("2411 1115 -13 15 33 -3 15 13111 -6 15 1114 15 12211
    0.000029 1 1321 12211 412 21211 33 21211 -2 15 2311 11121 232 121111 122
    0.000023 4 3311 121121 12221 3311 121121 12221 3311 121121 1313 -6 15 33


Well! If my pure Bash script is quicker than forking to date on each command, my pure Bash script implies some operations on each command.

The way of dedicating an independent process for logging and storing is clearly more efficient.

strace is an interesting way, more detailed, but hard to read.

script, with scriptreplay and acceleration factor is very nice too, but not the same precision as this is based on a console exchange instead of process execution, but very light and efficient (not same goal, not same usage).

Finally, I think that the more efficient, in readability and performances is set + 1 fork, The first of this answer, but in fine, depending on the specific case, I use sometimes strace and/or script too.

It often helps to trace the system calls

strace -c -f ./

From the manual:

-c Count time, calls, and errors for each system call and report a summary on program exit.

-f Trace child processes ...

This is not exactly what you want and what a line-oriented profiler would show to you but it usually helps to find hot spots.

You may have a look at trap command with DEBUG condition. There is a way to set a command(s) to be executed along with your commands. See the notes to the answer.

Add this in the front of the script:

N=`date +%s%N`; export PS4='+[$(((`date +%s%N`-$N)/1000000))ms][${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}]: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }';
exec 19>$HOME/logfile
set -x

The output file lists commands in millisecond scale:

$ tailf ~/logfile
++[389426ms][/home/subtleseeker/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash:96]: __bp_preexec_invoke_exec(): type -t preexec
++[389428ms][/home/subtleseeker/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash:113]: __bp_preexec_invoke_exec(): __bp_set_ret_value 0 /home/subtleseeker/.bashrc
++[389431ms][/home/subtleseeker/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash:1]: __bp_set_ret_value(): return 0
+[389433ms][:69]: tailf /home/subtleseeker/logfile