What is a word to describe something that easily spirals into the next?

I'm looking for a proper word to describe what happens when one thing predictably leads into the next thing. I'm using it in the context of describing a video game I play. When a certain decision is made in the game, it always spirals into this next thing happening, and into another thing happening, which inevitably ends up in you losing/winning the game. I've always described it to my friends as "flow-charty" for a lack of better term. I don't feel like "predictable" is the best way to describe it either. Thanks for helping

I think the usual term would be "snowballing" - imagine a snowball rolling down a snowy hill, picking up more and more snow as it goes, until it is unstoppable. (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/snowballing)

You might be describing the domino effect.

Domino effect
noun, singular

A situation in which one event causes a whole series of other events to happen one after the other.