See if I can "lose the funhouse."

A: Is there a passenger? B: Well, this (camera's)angle’s not helping us. Maybe this(another camera) will. See if I can lose the funhouse.

I looked up 'funhouse' in a dictionary. It says 'funhouse' is a ghost house. I also looked up 'lose the funhouse' in a dictionary, and there is nothing. Is there a special meaning for 'lose the funhouse'?

I can't understand what it means. They(A & B)'re looking for a criminal who run away through CCTV footage.

Help me. T_T

Solution 1:

Without more context I can't say for sure, but this is likely a reference to "funhouse" mirrors, which distort an image, as below, for humorous effect:

enter image description here

The lens or the angle of the first camera was likely causing distortion, but Speaker B felt the other camera would correct that distortion (i.e., "lose the funhouse" aspect).

Image borrowed from the Fabius Maximus website.