Get current URL in a Blazor component

Solution 1:

Use the Uri property from the NavigationManager class.

How it works

Get it from injection before using it on .razor pages:

@inject NavigationManager MyNavigationManager

Or like this in a .cs file if you prefer the "code-behind" experience:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
public NavigationManager MyNavigationManager {get; set;}


@page "/navigate"
@inject NavigationManager MyNavigationManager

<h1>Current URL</h1>


More about navigation (NavigateTo, BaseUri, ToAbsoluteUri, ToBaseRelativePath, ... ) at: URI and navigation state helpers

NavigationManager cheatsheet

#> https://localhost:5001/counter/3?q=hi

#> https://localhost:5001/

MyNavigationManager.NavigateTo("http://new location")
#> Navigates to new location

#> An event that fires when the navigation location has changed.

#> https://localhost:5001/pepe

#> counter/3?q=hi

Helper: AddQueryParm( "q2", "bye" ) // (*1)
#> https://localhost:5001/counter/3?q=hi&q2=bye

Helper: GetQueryParm( "q" )
#> hi

(*1) Net6 introduces GetUriWithQueryParameter. More info: Manipulate the query string from Blazor

Helpers code:

@code {

    public string Id { get; set; }

    // Blazor: add parm to URL
    string AddQueryParm(string parmName, string parmValue)
        var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(MyNavigationManager.Uri);
        var q = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);
        q[parmName] = parmValue;
        uriBuilder.Query = q.ToString();
        var newUrl = uriBuilder.ToString();
        return newUrl;

    // Blazor: get query parm from the URL
    string GetQueryParm(string parmName)
        var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(MyNavigationManager.Uri);
        var q = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);
        return q[parmName] ?? "";


Solution 2:

There is no use in connecting to the OnLocationChanged event in a page or component, as they get loaded and disposed on demand.

You should register to this event in app.cshtml as that won't be disposed.

Solution 3:

You should listen to a LocationChange of the IUriHelper, which triggers the function to do what you want for example:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Components
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
@inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Services.IUriHelper UriHelper
@inject ILogger<NavItem> logger

<li class="m-menu__item @(Active ? "m-menu__item--active" : "")">
    <a href=@Url class="m-menu__link ">
        <span class="m-menu__item-here"></span>
        <i class="m-menu__link-icon @Icon"></i>
        <span class="m-menu__link-text">@Text</span>

@functions {
    protected override void OnInit()
        UriHelper.OnLocationChanged += OnLocationChanges;
    private string Url { get; set; }
    private string Icon { get; set; }
    private string Text { get; set; }
    private bool Active = false;
    private void OnLocationChanges(object sender, string newLocation)
        bool active = newLocation.Contains(Url);
        if(active != Active) //Only re-render the components that need it
            Active = active;
            logger.LogInformation("Location Change To:" + newLocation);