SSH hangs on login after 'last update'

I'm having a bit of trouble. My SSH connection hangs for about 10 seconds when logging in. I've tried disabling the system info MOTD and a number of other things but it just doesn't seem to work. Trying ssh user@host -vvv doesn't help either as the log ends before the hang. It just says:

Last login: Wed Apr 17 12:52:04 2013 from 194.xx.xx.xx

Then hangs for a few seconds until it displays the prompt (user@host $) One interesting thing to note: If I press ctrl+c during this hang, it immediately solves it and the prompt flashes up so I'm guessing it's a process that is hanging. What's the best way to fix this?

Solution 1:

This is usually because one of the files used by login has some function that takes a long time to return. It will commonly be either in your own home directory, where you should look at


If it's none of those, look in /etc for the same files, but usually without the dot:


and so on. The culprit will often be something that does a DNS lookup, but it might also be that you have it set to check when you last logged on, and your utmp/wtmp/btmp is very large.

ls -lhS /var/log/