Speeding up SQL Server temp table processing with a RAM Disk

It's not just the rate, it's the wait. Benchmark properly. Check the IOPS, plus the disk queue length. Use Perfmon and SQL profiling. Go ahead - I'll wait.

You already know that the OS should be on one set of spindles, MDFs another, LDFs another, and tempdb files yet another, if you do have actual performance concerns. If you can't commit to doing that, benchmark it and find out your priorities. Also, the different read and write patterns can dictate different RAID levels for each of those.

You may find out that standard disks with the right RAID configs can get you where you need to be, and not plump down for enterprise SSD. Although, if tempdb is getting hammered enough, a single SSD might be a good fit for it. Probably no need for RAID for performance, although for redundancy it might be a good idea. Depends on your budget and how long you can be down, of course.

You also know that the SQL server should be separate from the web server, right? If performance is a concern? Even if you're not having a problem now, if you grow, you'll have a difficult time determining which is being hammered harder and what the appropriate fix is.