Is there an idiom or saying meaning the opposite of "the grass is always greener on the other side"?

I'm looking for an adage that describes a situation where a group is blind to their own faults or situation but readily discerns those same faults and situations in a rival.

This picture basically sums it up: Ours vs. Theirs

The grass is browner on the other side?

I think the saying that best expresses the opposite of things being better elsewhere is there's no place like home:

[The Idioms]


  • to have an affinity for one’s home over every other place
  • to say that the home is the best place
  • to say that one’s home is beyond compare

Of course, the saying became much more popular thanks to the movie The Wizard of Oz.

You could say nobody does it better than us or we're the greatest, but those aren't actually idioms.

Related would be they can't hold a candle to us:

[The Phrase Finder]

What's the meaning of the phrase 'Hold a candle'?
      The expression 'can't hold a candle to' refers to someone who compares badly to an known authority - to be unfit even to hold a subordinate position.

What's the origin of the phrase 'Hold a candle'?
      Apprentices used to be expected to hold the candle so that more experienced workmen were able to see what they were doing. Someone unable even to do that would be of low status indeed.

This particular phrase implies a certain level of disparagement toward everyone else that the first phrase does not.