Change default directory when I SSH to server

There are three ways to achieve this:

  • add cd /var/www/websites to the end of your .bash_profile. This is executed only for interactive logins (e.g. ssh).
  • add cd /var/www/websites to the end of your .bashrc. I use this one on our puppetmasters as I always want to be in /etc/puppet/environments/dkaarsemaker there instead of my homedir :-)
  • Change your homedirectory on the server to /var/www/websites (this is not really a good idea)

Warning! Try this on non-essential account first because if you make a mistake in the command you may lose an access to the remote system.

If you use keys for SSH login then you can change path by prepending command= to before a key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on your remote server. Example:

command="cd /var/www/websites ; /bin/bash -l" ssh-rsa of the key

It is fine to generate and use multiple keys for the same user. One key on the server may contain the command the other may not - this way you select expected behaviour at login time. You can simply wrap it up with local ~/.ssh/config:

Host websites-my-host
    HostName <realhostname>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<key1>  #on the server key with "command"
    User webmaster

Host my-host
    HostName <realhostname>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<key2>  #on the server key without command
    User webmaster

This is what will occur:

local$ ssh websites-my-host
webmaster@realhostname:/var/www/websites$ _


local$ ssh my-host
webmaster@realhostname:~$ _

Since OpenSSH 7.6, you can use the new RemoteCommand option to achieve that.

In your ~/.ssh/config:

Host websites-my-host
    HostName <realhostname>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/keyfile
    User webmaster
    RequestTTY force # check if this is necessary
    RemoteCommand cd /var/www/websites && bash -l

Openssh sshd by default accepts these environment variables from the client:

AcceptEnv LANG LC_*

You can use that to send a value from the local environment of the client to the server like this:

LC_CDPATH=/var/www/websites ssh -o SendEnv=LC_CDPATH user@server

You can place the SendEnv directive in ~/.ssh/config so you don't have to include it on the command line.

If you place the following in your ~/.profile (to only affect interactive logins use .profile, to affect all logins use .bashrc):

if [ "$LC_CDPATH" -a -d "$LC_CDPATH" ]; then
  cd "$LC_CDPATH";

Then it will automatically change directory to the one specified in the environment variable when you login, if it is specified and if it is a directory.