Command to open windows explorer window with filtered results?

Solution 1:

Next to Organize in your screenshot, you can see the Save search button. That will allow you to save the search using your preferred name to:


If you run this file from the Run dialog or even the command line, Explorer will open up and the search will auto-execute, displaying the results you want. (The search box will not be populated though with the search terms.)

Solution 2:

you can focus the location bar in the results window of a search (*.jpg for example) and you'll see a kind of 'URL' with some clues to write your own.
location bar in explorer search Something like this (in spanish):

This would search *.jpg files in F:\fotos path. Note those displayname, crumb tags.

You could write a .bat file accepting some parameters to compose a custom (simplified) URL and invoke it using Windows+R.
Typing explorer "double quoted url" will pop up a new explorer window with that search.

I'm sorry but I don't know how to convert slashes or spaces to URL friendly codes like %3A, %20 using cmd, but sure a simple string replace would work.