Usage of "of that"

I am working on a translation of a poem. My current versions is:

Leaping toward first light

I left my body nearby
singing the sorrows of that born.

My problem is in the last line, "of that born." In the original, the reference is clearly to what is left over after the writer's body is left (behind). So a more complete translation might be:

singing the sorrows of that which was born

but I really don't like that. I have also thought of "of those born" but that would refer to all (people) born which is not the intent. Another suggestion was "of newly born" but (for me) that doesn't work either.

So, do I just leave it as is, or are there other options? TIA. Beto

Solution 1:

Thank you all for your responses. I have given this question a great deal of thought and had difficulty in making a decision.

To clarify the situation, the original Spanish for born is nace, "nacer, to be born as in the birth of a child or to be created, as in the birth of a star. In which case the born as suggested by FUHL would be fine.

However, the suggestion of StoneyB more closely fits my understanding of the original author's intent which is the sorrows of what is left over (the soul) after leaving the body behind. But that which was born or what was born are to my ear a little awkward.

I also tried of the one born and of one born as suggested by a correspondent.

So, after much soul-searching, so to speak, I have for now decided upon of the one born however I think that I will revisit this question again.

So the version I now have is:

Leaping toward first light
 leaving my body nearby I sing the sorrows of the one born.

Again, thank you all for your help.

BTW, the verse is the first poem in the collection Árbol de Dianna, by Alejandra Pizarnik.
