How to get access to C:\Program Files\WindowsApps? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Where to find Windows 8 Modern UI apps source code?

How do I open the folder C:\Program Files\WindowsApps?

Currently I'm denied to enter, even though I'm logged in as administrator.

  1. Type in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps in the Windows Explorer address bar and hit enter.

    Enter path

  2. Observe in shock and dismay the system dialog saying you don’t own a folder on your own machine. Hit "Continue."


  3. After hitting "Continue," you’ll be confronted by the following dialog:

    Denied again

    Do not hit "Close"—instead click the "security tab" link.

  4. In the following system dialog click "Advanced."


  5. Click the "Change" link in the owner security field.


  6. Add in your Live ID or Windows 8 user name to the "Select User or Group" system dialog.

    Add user

  7. Click "OK," "OK," and "OK."


Credits: Justin Angel

The ownership of the files belongs to "TrustedInstaller". You can change the owner to your current user. Here's a page describing how to do that.