looking for an English idiom to describe specialist employment

There's a French phrase "Mais il faut recruter à l’extérieur : on ne peut pas faire des pâtissiers avec des maçons" Translates as "However, we have to recruit outside: we cannot make confectionery using stonemasons"

It means that you cannot just take anyone to do a specific job.

Is there a similar idiom in English?

I'm thinking there must be an English idiom, but I cannot find anything online.

How about "You can't paint a house with a hairbrush?"

There is a very common phrase, "To use the right tool for the job."

I expect (although it's opinion,) that English speakers would recognize the phrase if "tool" were replaced with virtually any other more human-focused noun like "worker" "employee" "staff" or "person". I have often heard the phrase "He was the right man for the job."

"We had to hire outside the company; we needed the right woman for the job."

That said, I think the French phrase is more colourful, and I might start using it. "You wouldn't make a cake with a carpenter."

If you are looking for something more negative, there's always "You can't put lipstick on a pig," used to imply that something's nature can't be changed by trying to force it to be what it is not.