Is it possible to change from bits to bytes in the Windows 8 Task Manager?

I feel much more familiar with bytes than bits, and the Task Manager defaults to Mbps and Kbps:

enter image description here

I've poked around, but haven't seen any option to change it. Is it possible to change it?

You cannot change the value in Task manager as eluded to by Alexy Ivanov, but you can view B/sec in resource monitor by clicking the link at the bottom of TM, then drop down the Network tab. Much more information in Resource Monitor should you need it.

. enter image description here


enter image description here

I don't think it's possible.

Using bits is standard in measuring network speeds.
Ethernet cards usually support 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps speed.

These graphs include the service data transferred, not only the data itself. Because of reception errors, especially in Wi-Fi networks, the useful data transfer rate may be lower than the connection speed.