How to determine optimal size for LVM snapshot?
Remember that you can resize snapshots on the fly, e.g. with lvextend. So you can give them a sensible initial size and then grow them whenever they get too ful.
This can even be done automatically: Using dmeventd and setting this in lvm.conf:
# 'snapshot_autoextend_threshold' and 'snapshot_autoextend_percent' define
# how to handle automatic snapshot extension. The former defines when the
# snapshot should be extended: when its space usage exceeds this many
# percent. The latter defines how much extra space should be allocated for
# the snapshot, in percent of its current size.
# For example, if you set snapshot_autoextend_threshold to 70 and
# snapshot_autoextend_percent to 20, whenever a snapshot exceeds 70% usage,
# it will be extended by another 20%. For a 1G snapshot, using up 700M will
# trigger a resize to 1.2G. When the usage exceeds 840M, the snapshot will
# be extended to 1.44G, and so on.
# Setting snapshot_autoextend_threshold to 100 disables automatic
# extensions. The minimum value is 50 (A setting below 50 will be treated
# as 50).
snapshot_autoextend_threshold = 50
snapshot_autoextend_percent = 50
Autoextending does not work instantly, it takes a few seconds for dmeventd to react ... and 50% fill grade and 50% growth is pretty harsh, but for testing with a very small snapshot (and thus rapidly filling the snapshot with data) they are needed.
# lvcreate -n TEST_LV -L 1G /dev/base_vg
Logical volume "TEST_LV" created
# mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/base_vg/TEST_LV
mke2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
# mount /dev/base_vg/TEST_LV /mnt
no need to be root to write files
# cd /mnt
# chown USER .
$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ; do
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024k count=10 > /mnt/File$i
# lvcreate -n TEST_LV-SNAP -s /dev/base_vg/TEST_LV -L 25M
Rounding up size to full physical extent 28.00 MiB
Logical volume "TEST_LV-SNAP" created
# lvs /dev/base_vg/TEST_LV-SNAP; \
while true; do
lvs /dev/base_vg/TEST_LV-SNAP |
grep -v Origin
sleep 1
done | uniq
while this is running, start
$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ; do
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024k count=10 > /mnt/File$i
sleep 10
The sleep in the writing is needed to let dmeventd catch up --- IIRC it only checks every 10 seconds.
Back to our output:
LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Move Log Copy% Convert
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 28.00m TEST_LV 0.04
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 28.00m TEST_LV 0.04
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 28.00m TEST_LV 35.90
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 28.00m TEST_LV 36.01
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 28.00m TEST_LV 71.86
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 44.00m TEST_LV 45.82
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 44.00m TEST_LV 68.63
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 68.00m TEST_LV 44.46
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 68.00m TEST_LV 59.22
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 104.00m TEST_LV 38.75
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 104.00m TEST_LV 48.40
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 104.00m TEST_LV 48.43
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 156.00m TEST_LV 38.74
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 156.00m TEST_LV 45.17
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 156.00m TEST_LV 45.19
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 156.00m TEST_LV 51.63
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 156.00m TEST_LV 51.65
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 34.14
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 38.39
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 38.40
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 42.66
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 42.67
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 46.92
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 46.94
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 51.19
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 236.00m TEST_LV 51.20
TEST_LV-SNAP base_vg swi-a-s- 356.00m TEST_LV 33.94
Watch it grow ...
No, if you don't know how much data is going to be written while the snapshot is active, you can't possibly determine the 'optimal' size for it. This is the only piece of information that is relevant to finding the right size.