How to merge two arrays in Swift

Zip the arrays and concatenate the results:

let A=["91","91","49"]
let B=["9989898909","9089890890","9098979896"]
let zipped = zip(A, B)
let result = { $0.0 + " " + $0.1 }

here is a snippet in Swift:

let a = ["90", "91", "92"]
let b = ["80012", "82379", "123712"]

let result: [String] = a.enumerated().map { (index, element) in
    return index < b.count ? element + " " + b[index] : element

let A = ["91","91","49", "5"]
let B = ["9989898909","9089890890","9098979896"]

Use zip() to join values from both arrays A and B. If A and B have a different number of elements, the joining would still work. then map the tuples from the zipped result array to those elements with a space between them

let C : [String] = zip(A,B).map {$0 + " " + $1}