Are reCAPTCHA CAPTCHAs getting harder or is just me [closed]

Solution 1:

Despite the opinions presented until now I actually like the reCAPTCHA system. I like it mostly because I consider that it manages to solve two problems at once: verifying human identity and help digitalizes writings (For those of you who don't know here is why it uses 2 words and not one : reCAPTCHA philosophy

So I encourage all of you to try passing the reCAPTCHA tests as often as you can because you are really helping a good cause.

Solution 2:

The worst are the ones that are case sensitive. L, l, I, o O 0 ?

Solution 3:

I have a hard time reading most Captcha's, but I agree that reCAPTCHA's are a special nuisance.

Solution 4:

Yes, Captchas are getting more difficult to read.

Image of CAPTCHA

I can't find the link right now but I believe the Microsoft Passport (MSN and Hotmail) are the hardest ones to break.

The problem is that whenever software gets better at detecting the text, the text has to become more difficult to read.

The irony I guess is that CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart" but it won't be long for computers to catch up and they become too hard for the majority of humans to read. At this time they'll go away and some other version of a CAPTCHA will be used.

Perhaps photo based CAPTCHAS using googles image labelling system?

Solution 5:

Ironic, because although computers are certainly getting smarter, people are probably getting dumber, too.