How to correctly use the extern keyword in C

extern changes the linkage. With the keyword, the function / variable is assumed to be available somewhere else and the resolving is deferred to the linker.

There's a difference between extern on functions and on variables.

For variables it doesn't instantiate the variable itself, i.e. doesn't allocate any memory. This needs to be done somewhere else. Thus it's important if you want to import the variable from somewhere else.

For functions, this only tells the compiler that linkage is extern. As this is the default (you use the keyword static to indicate that a function is not bound using extern linkage) you don't need to use it explicitly.

extern tells the compiler that this data is defined somewhere and will be connected with the linker.

With the help of the responses here and talking to a few friends here is the practical example of a use of extern.

Example 1 - to show a pitfall:


int errno;


#include <stdio.h>

// Code using errno...


#include <stdio.h>

// Code using errno...

If myCFile1.o and myCFile2.o are linked, each of the c files have separate copies of errno. This is a problem as the same errno is supposed to be available in all linked files.

Example 2 - The fix.


extern int errno;


int errno;


#include <stdio.h>

// Code using errno...


#include <stdio.h>

// Code using errno...

Now if both myCFile1.o and MyCFile2.o are linked by the linker they will both point to the same errno. Thus, solving the implementation with extern.

It has already been stated that the extern keyword is redundant for functions.

As for variables shared across compilation units, you should declare them in a header file with the extern keyword, then define them in a single source file, without the extern keyword. The single source file should be the one sharing the header file's name, for best practice.