How to check/uncheck radio button on click?

Solution 1:

This is not to replace a checkbox, it's to allow a radio group to go back to an unselected state. This was tricky because the radio selection doesn't act like a normal event.

The browser handles radio buttons outside the normal event chain. So, a click handler on a radiobutton with event.preventDefault() or event.stopPropagation() will NOT prevent the radiobutton from being checked. The .removeAttr('checked') must be done in a setTimeout to allow the event to finish, and the browser to check the radiobutton (again), and then the setTimeout will fire.

This also correctly handles the case where a user starts the mousedown but leaves the radiobutton before mouseup.

//$ = jQuery;
  var $self = $(this);
  if( $':checked') ){
    var uncheck = function(){
    var unbind = function(){
    var up = function(){
    $'mouseout', unbind);

I hope this helps

Solution 2:

try this:

    if (this.previous) {
        this.checked = false;
    this.previous = this.checked;

Solution 3:

The accepted answer does not work on mobile devices. It relies on setTimeout and bindings that are related to mouse events that just don't fire on tablets/mobile devices.
My solution is to manually track the selected state using the "click" event handler and a custom class state.

  1. handle the click events on the radio input elements
  2. check if the "selected" class exists on the clicked element
  3. if it does, (meaning it has been clicked before), remove the class and uncheck the element, return
  4. if it doesn't, remove the class from all elements of the same name and add it to only the clicked element.

No need to prevent default behaviors. Here is the code in Jquery:

$("input:radio").on("click",function (e) {
    var inp=$(this); //cache the selector
    if (".theone")) { //see if it has the selected class

Solution 4:

I must be missing it but after all these years AFAIK none of the solutions above seem to work or maybe I'm just dumb.

There is absolutely no reason to use a radio button unless there is more than one radio button in the same group. If it's a lone radio button then just use a checkbox. The reason to use a radio button is for selecting one of mutually exclusive options. That means any solution which only looks at individual buttons will fail since clicking a one button will effect the state of the other buttons

In other words since we're using radioboxes the solution needs to work for

<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo1"><label for="foo1">foo1</label>
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo2"><label for="foo2">foo2</label>
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo3"><label for="foo3">foo3</label>

Here's one that looks at all the buttons.

This seems to work

    'input[type=radio][name=foo]').forEach((elem) => {
  elem.addEventListener('click', allowUncheck);
  // only needed if elem can be pre-checked
  elem.previous = elem.checked;

function allowUncheck(e) {
  if (this.previous) {
    this.checked = false;
  // need to update previous on all elements of this group
  // (either that or store the id of the checked element)
      `input[type=radio][name=${}]`).forEach((elem) => {
    elem.previous = elem.checked;
body { font-size: xx-large; }
label, input {
  /* added because a second click to unselect radio often
     appears as a double click to select text */
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  user-select: none;
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo1"><label for="foo1">foo1</label>
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo2"><label for="foo2">foo2</label>
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo3"><label for="foo3">foo3</label>

note if elem.previous worries you you could use elem.dataset.previous

Another solution would be to store which button is checked

function makeRadioboxGroupUnCheckable(groupSelector) {

  let currentId;

  document.querySelectorAll(groupSelector).forEach((elem) => {
    elem.addEventListener('click', allowUncheck);
    // only needed if can be pre-checked
    if (elem.checked) {
      currentId =;

  function allowUncheck(e) {
    if ( === currentId) {
      this.checked = false;
      currentId = undefined;
    } else {
      currentId =;

body { font-size: xx-large; }
label, input {
  /* added because a second click to unselect radio often
     appears as a double click to select text */
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  user-select: none;
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo1"><label for="foo1">foo1</label>
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo2"><label for="foo2">foo2</label>
<input type="radio" name="foo" id="foo3"><label for="foo3">foo3</label>