new Catalyst 2950 switch, no console or telnet CLI access

Solution 1:

Had the same issue. They have made it even easier to configure these things.

Read the "getting started" portion of link below. All you need is a straight through cable and just run through the setup real quick and enable telnet. Then you can telnet to it and set what you need to configuration wise. A lot easier than hyperterm and a console cable in my opinion.

Make sure to pay attention when it says that the switch acts as its own DHCP server in express setup mode. Could create havoc on your network if you don't use it standalone until you get it setup. Also boot times seem to be a lot longer with the newer ones than the ones I was used to back in 2004.

Solution 2:

You're on the right track with the crossover cable, but not quite. You need a rollover cable instead.

enter image description here

Your typical connection chain is going to be...

  • PC
  • USB-to-Serial Adapter OR Serial Port
  • Serial to RJ-45 Adapter
  • Rollover cable
  • Device Console

The console cable that comes with Cisco devices combines the Serial-to-RJ45 adapter and rollover cable.

Standard port settings are...

  • Bits per sec : 9600
  • Data bits : 8
  • Parity : none
  • Stop bits : 1
  • Flow control : none

Hope this helps.