Hard disk write-once mode on Windows

Is it possible to force a hard disk into 'write-once' mode in Windows?

I want to securely store logs so they can't be changed, but I can't use tapes or optical media due to performance reasons.

You can look at some storage appliances that have some WORM capability. EMC Centera, HP StoreAll 9000 series, and others all have some WORM capability. These aren't exactly cheap however.

The standard solution for this problem is to use a remote log server. In Windows you can use NTSysLog to forward system/security/application events to a remote syslog server.

Please bear in mind that log files are typically written to and appended, so write-once is not a great option. Put them in a read-only share, or set the permissions so that only the service writing to the logs can edit the folder. This will not protect them from an administrative user, but it will certainly stop 'casual' access to the log files.