Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION line 10?

What is wrong with my code? I ran the code on my test server and the code worked but when I upload it to my production server I get

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /hermes/bosweb/web013/b130/ipg.acrsflcom/darayngedbeats/gentest.php on line 10

here is my code

$old = "    /mp3/CrazyMonsta2.mp3?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJXA36ESCLQHCB54Q&Expires=1297279906& Signature=HD36ZQE8yeTIW6JPWKMcciPTiTs%3D"; //enter the key that needs to be converted
$search =  array(":","?","=","&","%");
$replace = array("%3A","%3F","%3D","%26","%25");

function search_replace($s,$r,$sql)
{ $e = '/('.implode('|',array_map('preg_quote', $s)).')/';
  $r = array_combine($s,$r);
  return preg_replace_callback($e, function($v) use ($s,$r) { return $r[$v[1]];  },$sql);

echo "<br><br>";
$new = search_replace($search,$replace,$old);
echo $new;


Solution 1:

The error is likely caused by

return preg_replace_callback($e, function($v) use ($s,$r) { return $r[$v[1]];  },$sql);

Chances are you're using PHP 5.2 or earlier, which doesn't support closures. You can find out which version of PHP you're using phpinfo().

You'll likely either need to upgrade to PHP 5.3+, or use create_function, or write a static function and pass it as a callback.

Here's an example of the last option, using a simple class to store the state of $r:

class My_callback {
  public function __construct($s, $r) {
    $this->s = $s; $this->r = $r;

  function callback($v) { return $this->r[$v[1]]; }

function search_replace($s,$r,$sql) {
  $e = '/('.implode('|',array_map('preg_quote', $s)).')/';
  $r = array_combine($s,$r);
  $c = new My_callback($s, $r);
  return preg_replace_callback($e, array($c, 'callback'), $sql);

Solution 2:

For anyone getting this error on PHP 5.3+ and especially with a wordpress theme, I would recommend having a look at the formatting of the actual files on the server.

When I encountered this error and viewed the PHP files throwing the error on the server, they had no line breaks and were effectively minified to one line.

For some reason, Filezilla stripped out the line breaks when I uploaded the files and this was what was causing this same error to occur.

By changing the transfer type in Filezilla to Binary (Transfer > Transfer Type > Binary) and re-uploading the wordpress theme, this fixed my issue!

I hope this helps someone!

Solution 3:

try extracting your callback function into a separate named function and referring to it by name.

Solution 4:

I think you are looking for create_function:

create_function is supported both in php4 and php5