const char * const versus const char *?

Solution 1:

The latter prevents you from modifying the_string inside print_string. It would actually be appropriate here, but perhaps the verbosity put off the developer.

char* the_string : I can change which char the_string points to, and I can modify the char to which it points.

const char* the_string : I can change which char the_string points to, but I cannot modify the char to which it points.

char* const the_string : I cannot change which char the_string points to, but I can modify the char to which it points.

const char* const the_string : I cannot change which char the_string points to, nor can I modify the char to which it points.

Solution 2:

  1. Mutable pointer to a mutable character

    char *p;
  2. Mutable pointer to a constant character

    const char *p;
  3. Constant pointer to a mutable character

    char * const p; 
  4. Constant pointer to a constant character

    const char * const p;