How do you zoom out?

Is there any way to zoom out the camera in DotA 2? I've found my ideal aspect ratio - and holy crap, is the resolution terrible if you're not on the right one!

Even with the right ratio, I feel like I can't quite see enough of the screen, especially in the vertical direction. Any tips?

Solution 1:

There is no way to zoom out further. You can zoom in, that's all.

Solution 2:

You can't zoom out during normal game play, but you can unlock the camera while viewing replays.

Solution 3:

There is no way to zoom out further, I am sorry.

Because of this I strongly recommend moving the keys that direct the camera to a very easy to get spot, and get used to using them exclusively... in fact, turn off edge-panning, and increase the camera pan speed a lot. This will improve your ability to look around frequently during gameplay, despite having a limited field of view.

I should note that widescreen displays see a larger portion of the gamefield than narrow ones; they see more to the sides. Because of this, attacking from above or below is often more effective than from a side, as the vertical view is fixed and limited, but the horizontal is much greater.