How do I download photos from my iPhone?

I find it very complicated to move photos taken with my iPhone into my pc's photo library.

I used to take photos with a compact camera, and pc applications could very easily import the photos because the compact camera shows up as a USB disk -- this way, importing photos was almost a one-click process!

But the iPhone doesn't show up as a disk, and that makes it very messy. I've tried to sync using iTunes, but syncing is not what I want to achieve. I want to move the pics away from the iPhone! I've tried moving them using iFunBox, and while that works, it creates the problem that all photos to get a new timestamp which ruins my photo library.

How can I easily move photos and videos from iPhone to PC without using iTunes syncing, and keeping the files' original timestamps?

I'm using Windows 7, and the phone is already jailbroken. I'm looking for a solution that will allow Windows to see the phone's native file system as a normal USB drive from which I can import the pics&vids using a Windows program -- or any other solution that comes as close as possible to this.

Based on the solutions so far it is clear that extra pc applications won't help. What I need instead is some way of getting the damn phone to present itself to Windows using a drive letter, just like any other disk resource or compact camera does.

This is a good example where I think Apple is being too restrictive with their products; if people want access, then let them have it. If they break it, it's their problem. That's what backups are for. "It just works" only works if you stick by Apple's intended use, and that doesn't include Windows drive letters.

Solution 1:

When I connect my iPhone to a Windows machine, it does appear as a digital camera and allows me to copy files from the DCIM folder or to use the "Import Pictures" option from Windows.

I just tried this in a Windows 7 VM and was able to view all the pictures in my Camera Roll. From there, I could drag and drop pictures to my desktop.

I don't have iTunes installed in the Windows 7 VM.

It works the same way in my Windows XP machine, at work. There it is a physical machine and I have iTunes installed, but I can copy the pictures from the iPhone without syncing, anyway.

Solution 2:

What about this solution?

With the plug-in you can manage music, videos, podcasts and photos for your iPod. You can >add all those files to your iPod, delete and organize them into playlists as well as smart >playlists.

Install WinAmp + mliPod on your computer

To manage your iPod you need two files, WinAmp itself and the above mentioned plug-in mliPod.

Download directly from WinAmp

Download mliPod