Another word for a "selective" character trait

Solution 1:

The adjective selective fits your description. It ends in -ive and matches the meaning you want the word you're looking for to have. The Oxford Dictionary gives this adjective, among other meanings, the following definition:

(of a person) tending to choose carefully

Example sentence:

He is very selective in his reading.

Solution 2:


eclec·​tic | \ i-ˈklek-tik, e-\

Definition of eclectic (Entry 1 of 2)

  1. composed of elements drawn from various sources
    also: heterogeneous

  2. selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles

EDIT: or another possibility would be Syncretic, however it infers an amalgamation of all of the doctrines, instead of taking what is desired from each.

Note on other answers

I must apologize for the misleading "-ive" suffix that I had originally assumed that the word contained.

@Mike R - While selective does, in a broad sense, cover the grounds of the word I was looking for, it does not pertain specifically to sets of ideals. One can be selective about anything, including vocabulary and semantics. :p

@listeneva - While discriminating does fit the definition that I was looking for, I feel that it can carry a negative connotation that does not work well when describing one who accepts and emulates the best of different ideals and philosophies. Also, Slate Magazine is being a little one sided there. Girls can be just as discriminating, if not more so, for their play things. ;)