"Facing the resignation" meaning [closed]

What does it mean: "You'll just be spending your day working to overcome strains, trying to live your life and at various points facing the resignation that if you can't get your *** of this wheel maybe you are never going to get to where you want in life." What means "facing the resignation"? I suppose it means accept that you can't achieve anything without hard work. Am I right?

Solution 1:

To be "resigned" to something means having accepted something (usually unpleasant) that you can't do anything about (see https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/resigned ). Resignation is the noun form of this. "Facing" means something very similar (see verb sense 2 here: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/face) - that you are accepting something. "Facing the resignation" is thus a bit of a tautology - it means you are dealing with the fact that you are most likely going to have to accept the fact of something.