I am looking for a word used to describe a dresser [closed]
A dresser as a piece of bedroom furniture only dates to 1895, a time when furniture began to be mass produced and often sold in sets or suits in a matching material and style. Earlier names for similar pieces are:
Commode, 1786, from French ‘convenient, suitable.’ Its days were numbered, however, when the same word was used to denote a chair with a chamber pot beneath (1851) and later, a toilet. German, whose name for the sanitary device derives from English water closet, had no need to switch out the same French loanword: you can buy a Kommode at any IKEA in Germany.
Bureau as a chest of drawers dates from 1770. A bureau, for those who still use the term, is usually higher and more massive than a dresser, but still low enough to plop your keys on.
Chest of drawers, from the 1670s, may be of any height, which has to be specified. A dresser is essentially a low chest of drawers. Otherwise you’d have to fetch your keys with a fishing rod.