InheritedWidget with Scaffold as child doesn't seem to be working

Solution 1:

MyInherited.of(context) will basically look into the parent of the current context to see if there's a MyInherited instantiated.

The problem is : Your inherited widget is instantiated within the current context.

=> No MyInherited as parent

=> crash

The trick is to use a different context. There are many solutions there. You could instantiate MyInherited in another widget, so that the context of your build method will have a MyInherited as parent.

Or you could potentially use a Builder to introduce a fake widget that will pass you it's context.

Example of builder :

return new MyInheritedWidget(
  child: new Builder(
    builder: (context) => new Scaffold(),

Another problem, for the same reasons, is that if you insert an inheritedWidget inside a route, it will not be available outside of this route.

The solution is simple here ! Put your MyInheritedWidget above MaterialApp.

above material :

new MyInherited(
  child: new MaterialApp(
    // ...

Solution 2:

Is it therefore not possible to use a Scaffold or a MaterialApp as the child of an InheritedWidget?

It is very possible to do this. I was struggling with this earlier and posted some details and sample code here.

You might want to make your App-level InheritedWidget the parent of the MaterialApp rather than the Scaffold widget.

I think this has more to do with how you are setting up your MaterialWidget, but I can't quite tell from the code snippets you have provided.

If you can add some more context, I will see if I can provide more.