How to log in without any users (Administrator password) in Windows 8 [duplicate]

Solution 1:

There is no default password. The built-in administrator account is disabled by default and must be enabled before use.

You can do this through the command prompt: net user administrator /active:yes

On the off chance that the upgrade/domain actually set a local admin password, you can reset it with net user administrator *, which will then prompt you for a password (or net user administrator <password>, which will not confirm the password).

On Windows 7, this could be done from the DVD based repair mode. On Windows 8? I haven't figured out how yet. However, there is another option that involves giving yourself an elevated command prompt running as SYSTEM on the login screen.

  1. Boot from any other OS that can write to a NTFS drive without issues. There's many Linux Live CDs that can do that, and the Windows DVD works too.

    If you use the Windows DVD, press Shift+F10 to get a command prompt

  2. Figure out which drive the Windows installation sits on. Navigate to \Windows\System32.

  3. Rename Narrator.exe to Narrator.exe.bak (create a backup, so you can restore later)

    If on the Windows DVD, ren Narrator.exe Narrator.exe.bak

  4. Copy cmd.exe and name it Narrator.exe

    If on the Windows DVD, copy cmd.exe Narrator.exe

  5. Boot into the Windows installation. On the login screen, there should be an ease of access panel on the bottom left. You can open 'Narrator' there, which will give you a command prompt running as the SYSTEM user account (above any Administrator account, SYSTEM is a closer equivalent of the *nix root)

  6. You can run the net user commands from here. You could also use the advanced user control panel (control userpasswords2) or the Microsoft Management Console snap-in (lusrmgr.msc).

  7. You should now go delete Narrator.exe and rename Narrator.exe.bak back to Narrator.exe - otherwise you have a gaping hole in your system's security.