How to downgrade vscode

I am experiencing a problem with debugging in vscode just after the last update. There's something going on (

I'd like to check the previous version to see if my case is a problem here or in vscode but I can not find instructions on how to downgrade (I suppose it's possible)

Solution 1:

Previous versions of Visual Studio Code can be downloaded here:

Pick the version you want from the list on the left, and then click on the download link for your OS as shown here:

enter image description here

You should disable auto update (as mentioned by Gregory in the comment) to prevent it from auto updating itself later upon restart. To do this, go to Preferences, Settings and then search for 'update'. Set it to 'none' as shown below:

Disable auto update

Solution 2:

Visual studio docs now have a section documenting all Url endpoints for downloading platform and archive specific downloads.

For ex. for Windows 64 bit zip the download endpoint is :{version}/win32-x64-archive/stable

enter image description here

Solution 3: site is only Windows Installer.
If you want to download Zip Executable, you can download like this url pattern.

# <download version> is like 1.44.0<download version>/win32-x64-archive/stable

reference is this site.

And I try to download another site, and success to download. this site is linked in<download version>/win32-x64-archive/stable